Sister Jayanti, Global Retreat Centre Gardens, Oxford, England.Sister Jayanti, The Global Retreat Centre gardens, Oxfordshire, UK.

Listening to and engaging with people all around the world, I have come to see that a message of hope is what is really needed at this time. Raja Yoga Meditation teaches us about the nature of our original self and our inherent goodness, and the sovereignty of the human spirit.

The values that I hold very dear are the intrinsic qualities of the soul itself and these are peace, love, truth, joy and purity. Even when only a powerful minority in the world begins to follow these basic, fundamental spiritual values the world can become a better place. We have been through a period of darkness and after the dark night the day has to come. My promise is that there will come a time again, when humans will follow basic spiritual laws in their lives and the light will return to this world.

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My Promise

["Thought of Peace", "A Meditation Experience – On Caring - Essential Spirit","A Meditation Experience - Essential Spirituality"]
  • Inspired Stillness Bookshop, Global Co-operation House, London

    Inspired Stillness Bookshop, Global Co-operation House, London